Aveline De Grandpre Costume for Halloween

How to make Aveline de Grandpre Costume

Aveline De Grandpre Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Full body costume coat, hat, pants, etc
2 Boots knee-length, black leather.
3 Long daggers two or three
4 Faux pistol Medieval style
5 Sword long and thin.
6 Gloves black fingerless.
7 Gauntlets black arm
8 Wig curly brunette.
9 Full Costume For more accurate look

Aveline is a very shrewd and resourceful character. Her personality is very intelligent and she is always able to fight her way out of a tough situation. She is very much the empowered black women that is always amazing to see within mainly male dominated video games.

Put your new curly brown hair into a ponytail, set your hat upon your head, and you are ready to go. Aveline de Grandpre makes a great costume for anyone, but especially those who want to portray to present themselves as strong, empowered woman who aren’t afraid of kicking some butt.

Her outfit is very empowering as well. Instead of a dress or long skirt, she wears pants which allow her greater mobility and better fighting skills. The rest of her outfit is very colonial and roguish and is a quite fun look to rock. Here’s what you will need to put together an Aveline de Grandpre costume of your own.

About Aveline de Grandpre

Aveline de Grandpre is said to be one of the greatest female assassins in the top-rated video game franchise, Assassin’s Creed. She is in fact, the first female assassin protagonist in the game series. Assassin’s Creed lll: Liberation is where her story begins, and actually takes place in the same colonial era as another famous character in the series, Connor Kenway.

Aveline is actually a very heroic character tough she is purposely painted as a villain by the Abstergo corporation. She was born in 18th century New Orleans and is of French and African descent. She came into the Brotherhood after endlessly pursuing her freedom and eventually meeting Assassin Agate.
