Strega Nona Costume for Halloween

How to Make Strega Nona Costume

Strega Nona Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Orange, Long-Sleeved Shirt Use an orange, long-sleeved shirt as the base of your Strega Nona outfit.
2 Olive Green Casual Vest Knot and use bobby pins to secure a green vest to look like Strega Nona.
3 Long Purple Skirt Look very fun yet conservative in a long purple skirt.
4 Long, White Waist Apron Create a medieval look by wearing a long, white waist apron.
5 White Bandanna Tie a white bandanna on your head to look like Strega Nona.
6 Witch’s Cauldron Bring along a witch’s cauldron to finish off your outfit.

Strega Nona is a helpful, motherly lady who is always ready to lend a helping hand. She uses magic and spells to help the villagers with their problems. Sometimes mishaps happen (mostly because of Big Anthony), but that doesn’t deter her from giving out a helping hand.

Strega Nona keeps her outfit simple throughout the day. She wears an orange long-sleeve shirt underneath a green vest and pairs it with a long purple skirt, a white apron, and a white scarf above her hair.

About Strega Nona

Strega Nona was written and illustrated by Tomie de Paola and was published in 1975. It won the Caldecott Honor award in 1976, and is considered one of the Top 100 Picture Books of All Time in 2012. Interestingly, Strega Nona is a banned book.

Check out these sites to read more about Strega Nona and the other characters from the book, Strega Nona: