The Venture Bros. Costume for Halloween

How to Make Monarch Costume

The Venture Bros Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Black Compression Long-Sleeved Shirt Wear a black compression shirt as the base of your outfit.
2 Black Balaclava Make sure to wear a balaclava as your headgear.
3 Black Compression Pants Match your shirt with black compression pants.
4 Gold Shoes Look regal with a pair of gold shoes.
5 Black Gloves Protect your hands with a pair of black gloves.
6 Monarch Wings If you don’t want to DIY, you can wear these Monarch wings.
7 Tall Gold Crown Don’t forget your tall, golden crown.
8 EVA Foam Use EVA foam to create your The Monarch armor.
9 Yellow Acrylic Paint Don’t forget to paint your armor yellow.

How to Make Dr. Mrs. The Monarch/Dr. Girlfriend/Sheila Costume

Dr. Mrs. The Monarch/Dr. GirlfriendThe Venture Bros Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Black Leotard Wear a short-sleeved black leotard. It’s your choice if you want to deepen the neckline just like Dr. Girlfriend.
2 Gold Thigh-High Boots Look formidably sexy in this pair of thigh-high gold boots.
3 Long Gold Gloves Keep your arms protected with this pair of gold gloves.
4 Gold Statement Necklace Accessorize with this gold necklace.
5 Tiny Gold Crown As the Monarch’s partner, it’s obvious that you should also have a crown.
6 Sheer Gold Fabric Use this sheer gold fabric for Dr. Girlfriend’s cape.
7 Black Bob-Cut Wig Don’t forget to wear a black bob-cut wig.
8 Full Costume If you don’t want to DIY

The Monarch and his posse are the main antagonist in the show, The Venture Bros. He got his idea from a monarch butterfly. With The Monarch is his girlfriend-turned-wife, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch (aka. Dr. Girlfriend), and his henchmen.

All of the Monarch group wear black and gold yellow as their main costume. The Monarch and his henchmen also have large yellow wings attached to their back. Dr. Girlfriend, on the other hand, prefers gold chiffon draping across her back. Here’s everything you need to look like The Monarch and his group from The Venture Bros.

How to Make Monarch Henchman 21 Costume

Henchman The Venture Bros Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Black Open Face Bodysuit Use a black open face bodysuit as the base of your outfit.
2 Yellow Muscle Tee Wear a yellow muscle tee on top of your bodysuit.
3 Yellow Shorts Match your muscle tee with a pair of yellow shorts.
4 Yellow Gloves Don’t forget to protect your hands with yellow gloves.
5 EVA Foam Use EVA Foam to create the Henchmen’s armor.
6 Assorted Acrylic Paints Use assorted arylic paint to color your armor.
7 Yellow Paper Yellow paper can be the base of your Henchman eyewear.
8 Yellow Antenna Headband Don’t forget yellow antenna for your Henchman costume.

About Venture Bros.

Monarch and Henchman 24 was voiced by Christopher McCulloch. Dr. Girlfriend and Henchman 21 was voiced by Doc Hammer.

Check out these sites to read more about Monarch and the other characters from The Venture Bros.: