Sister Night (Watchmen) Costume for Halloween

How to Make Sister Night’s Costume

Sister Night Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 White Turtleneck Start the costume with this top.
2 Tailcoat Then top it off with this tailcoat.
3 Black V-Neck For your DIY take, you can top the turtleneck with this v-neck top.
4 Cloak And layer it with a black cloak with hood.
5 Leggings Wear leggings for your bottoms.
6 Black Mask For the mask, you can wear a black version of your daily mask!
7 Balaclava Mask Or this balaclava version.
8 Black Belt For your next piece, be sure to wear this belt.
9 Beads Then style it with long strings of beads.
10 Boot Cover Complete the costume with these boots covers.

For Sister Night, be sure to get your very own turtle neck and black v-neck shirt then top it off with a cloak. Add a belt then style it with a set of dangling beads. You can also wear your black mask and then match it with a pair of boots. And you’ll be off to a good start for your costume!

About Sister Night

Sister Night is a television series which follows the story of Angela Abar, portrayed by Regina King. She is known to have a masked identity. Angela was born in Vietnam. She met Doctor Manhattan who asked her for a date and then told her that they will be in love. She did not believe it at first but then went on the date. Manhattan has powers which viewers assume Angela also got in the end of the series.