Cortana Costume for Halloween

How to Make a Halo Blue Cortana Costume

Cortana Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Bodysuit, Cortana style This Cortana style bodysuit has all of the marking and design as Cortana’s original suit does. This bodysuit is a good choice for your costume because it will provide it an authentic character.
2 Boots, blue Instead of heels, Cortana prefers boots because they are easier to fight and move in. They are blue to match with the rest of the theme of the costume.
3 Halo, energy sword In the Halo games, Cortana is often involved in fighting and she carries many weapons with her. The Halo energy sword is one such weapon.
4 Halo, needler Another weapon that Cortana is seen using, the Needler is a very cool and unique looking weapon that will definitely make your costume amazing.
5 Wig, blue Cortana’s hair is not bright blue, but is more of a dark, dusky blue. This wig does a good job providing the correct length and color to your Cortana costume.
6 Eye drops, blue Going with the blue theme, Cortana’s eyes are blue. These eye drops can help your eyes get the same color as hers.
7 Body paint, blue As the bodysuit covers most of your body, you will not have to use the body paint all over your body but just on the skin that shows.

Cortana’s blue bodysuit is not a complicated or accessory driven look, but thrives on simplicity and sleekness. The rest of Cortana is blue as well, her hair, her eyes, and her skin. This all comes together for a very unique look that is different from most other bodysuit looks. As she is an AI, the blue suits her character very well since it gives her the computer generated look and as her color is all uniform, that also supports the AI element.

Cortana Makeup/Hair Look Tutorial

You can use this tutorial to help you will your body paint and makeup as you get your Cortana cosplay ready.

About Cortana

Cortana is an AI character in the [Halo] video game franchise. Voiced by Jen Taylor, Cortana is a very popular character and appears in many of the Halo games and sequels. She also appears in much of the other Halo products such as the TV show, comics, and merchandise.