Joseph & Virgin Mary Costume for Halloween

How to Make Virgin Mary’s Costume

Do you want to recreate this look? Checkout our item list down below!

Virgin Mary Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Long White Tunic Get a long white dress to wear.
2 Blue Cloak Find a light blue cover to top over the dress.
3 White Fabric Belt Fasten a white fabric belt under burst and adjust to hide a metal part on your side or back.
4 White Head Scarf Cover your head with a plain white head scarf.
5 Leather Sandals Match the outfit with a pair of sandals made of leather in brown or black color.
6 Baby Doll Carry a baby prop wrapped in light blue fabric.
7 Headpiece Use this headpiece to get her painting looks.
8 Full Costume for Kids If you want to dress your little ones as Mary for special occasion, get this outfit.
9 Full Costume for Adults If you don’t want to spend time gathering all the things above, get this full costume here.
10 Fake Pregnant Belly If you’re not pregnant, make sure to wear a fake belly to look realistic.
11 Horse Riding Stick Instead of a real donkey, bring along a Horse Riding Stick as your prop.

For Mary’s look, we don’t have to deal with a lot of accessories so our main focus is the fabric and clothes. Mary wears a long white tunic topped with a light blue cover, a white fabric belt, a white head scarf, and wooden sandals. Also, you can either carry a baby prop as baby Jesus or wear a fake belly to look pregnant.

How to Make Joseph Costume

Joseph Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Light Khaki Kaftan Start off with a khaki khaftan.
2 Brown Cloak Add another layer to your outfit with a brown cloak.
3 Brown Strap Sandals Keep your feet comfy with a pair of strap sandals.
4 Beige and Camel Long Scarves Drape scarves over your head and around your waist.
5 Aqel Rope Use Agel rope to secure your head scarf.
6 Brown Beard Wear a brown beard to look close shaven.
7 Wood Walking Stick Don’t forget to bring along your walking stick.
8 Full Costume Set You won’t need to DIY if you get this costume set instead.

Mary & Joseph are most known as the parents of Jesus Christ and are two of the most popular characters in Christian theology. Their most famous narrative is when they were traveling to Bethlehem as Mary was about to give birth to Baby Jesus.

As such, Mary & Joseph, as a couple costume, can be a fun way to add a quirky vibe to your costume party experience. For Mary, you will need to wear a flowy dress, a fake belly, and a head scarf. For Joseph, you will need to wear a brown cloak, brown kaftan, beige and patterned scarves, and a walking stick.

About Virgin Mary & Joseph

Mary & Joseph is a notable husband and wife duo in Christian theology. In the New Testament of the Bible, they are the mother and the earthly father of Jesus Christ. Their names originate from the Aramaic Maryam and the Hebrew Yosef respectively.

Mary, or Virgin Mary, is a famous figure from Christian mythology, the Bible for she’s the mother of Jesus Christ in the new testament. Jesus was sent by God to repent the sin of humanity. Mary, a woman from Nazareth, was a virgin wife of a carpenter named Joseph.

She was selected by God to give a virgin birth to his son, Jesus. Mary was accompanied by Joseph to Bethlehem where she would eventually give birth to Jesus. In Roman Catholic, Mary is being held as a sacred being and even god like.

Check out these sites to learn more about Mary & Joseph: