Miss Peregrine’s Home (for Peculiar Children) Costume for Halloween

How to Make a Miss Peregrine Costume

Miss Peregrine Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Jacket, Victorian, black Miss Peregrine’s vintage style jacket is a stunning chic piece that compliments her as warden of a children’s home. The jacket is black is color and features an embroidered feather on each arm as well as silver buttons down the front.
2 Skirt, black, simple Under her jacket, Miss Peregrine wears a simple black skirt that creates a suit effect between both pieces.
3 Pocket watch, silver One very important item to Miss Peregrine is her silver pocket watch. She keeps the watch in her jacket pocket and refers to it very often.
4 Pipe, wood One quality that may surprise some is that Miss Peregrine smokes a pipe. This gives her a mischievous air that is very striking.
5 Stockings, black Under her skirt she wears simple long black stockings. Her clothing is very modest, and besides smoking a pipe her way of manner and dressing are very ladylike.
6 Wig, black, curly Even her hair is incredible chic. She has black curly hair pulled into an updo which you can achieve with this wig.
7 Heels, victorian-style, black The last part of Miss Peregrine’s look are these dainty victorian-style black heels.
8 Full Costume If you want to save the hassle & get more accurate look.
9 Hand made costume A made to order version for even better look

Miss Peregrine has a very unique and chic sense of style when compared to many other schoolmarms and headmistresses. You could say she has a bit of a Gothic taste when it comes to fashion. She wears a kind of jacket and skirt suit, all black in color.

Her jacket is beautifully designed with silver buttons and embroidered feathers on the arms. She also carries a silver pocket watch in her jacket, and frequently reaches for it.

One of the only non prim and proper qualities that she has it that she smokes a wood pipe, but she still manages to look chic while at it. Even her hairstyle and makeup are dark and elegant.

Miss Peregrine’s Makeup/Hair Look Tutorial

Miss Peregrine has a very chic and sexy smokey eye look for her makeup. Her skin is also very pale and clear which you can achieve with the help of this tutrial.

About Miss Peregrine

Eva Green is the talented actress that plays the the refined and unique Miss Peregrine. She is the warden or headmistress of a home for children with peculiar supernatural qualities about them in the Tim Burton directed film Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children|.