Fake News Costume for Halloween

How to Make Fake News’ Costume

Fake News Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Newspaper Dress Start the costume with this look.
2 Printed Top Or wear this printed top instead.
3 Printed Skirt For your akirt, you can wear a matching printed one, too!
4 Red Sticker Paper Cut the letters for FAKE NEWS on these sheets and stick on the chest part of the outfit.
5 Microphone Carry props like this microphone.

This outfit can easily be recreated with a newspaper-print outfit. You can choose a dress style or a matchin top and skirt version. Then cut the letters of FAKE NEWS on red sticker paper sheets and stick on the chest part of the outfit.

About Fake News

Fake News is a type of article or tidbit of materials peddling lies to mislead people. This may include satires that as misrepresented, click baits, or simply deregatory material against a subject. In the modern times, this has been prevalent in modern-day elections, too.