Tommy Pickles (Rugrats) Costume for Halloween

Tommy Pickles Costume Items

Tommy Pickles Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Light Blue T-Shirt This is easy to find, it’s just a plain light blue T-shirt.
2 Adult Diaper Costume This is a fun part, but also tricky because you need to make sure it won’t fall out. So you should wear a plain white underwear or short shorts underneath it just to be safe.
3 Bald Cap since tommy doesn’t have any hair you can wear bald cap to simulate that.

Tommy Pickles Costume from Rugrats

Tommy Pickles has a very minimal style, but very memorable at the same time. The audience instantly recognize him in a plain light blue T-shirt and a baby diaper. Therefore his look is very easy to replicate, but super catchy as well. Moreover, we also recommend Tommy’s style when he grows up as a teenager as well because it’s really edgy and cool.

Teenage look

# Item Description
1 Short Purple Wig His adventurous side reflects in his hair style and color, so look for a cool purple wig and wear them.
2 On Ear Headphone Look for an on-ear headphone, the kind that you wear around your head.
3 Green Backpack You should look for a plain designed school backpack in faded green color.
4 White T-Shirt with Long Sleeves What you should look for is a white T-shirt with long teal colored or blue sleeves.
5 Blue Jeans Any basic pair of jeans would be perfect for the occasion.
6 Green Sneakers Look for a simple designed sneakers in green color.

About Tommy Pickles

Tommy Pickles or Thomas Pickles, played by a voice actress Elizabeth Daily, is the protagonist and the main character in Nickelodeon’s humorous animated TV seriesRugrats, which is a show that follows a group of kids’ life from toddler to prepubescence. Tommy is a one-year-old boy who’s a leader of the Rugrats band. Because he’s a baby, Tommy often translates human language into babyish gesture like most of friends his age.

To the audience, Tommy is a kind-hearted and an adventurous person. He’s also smart, friendly, and full of courage, so he grows up to become an A-grade student and continues to be a leader of the group. Moreover, Tommy really loves his friends who, with him, always get into some ridiculous trouble but he rarely lets them down.