Dustin Henderson (Stranger Things) Costume for Halloween

How To make Dustin Henderson Costume

Dustin Henderson Costume for Cosplay & Halloween
# Item Description
1 Trucker Hat With blue mesh, red rim and a white front
2 Graphic Tees Assorted with specific logos and graphics.
3 Navy blue windbreaker jacket with pop up collar and red plaid lining
4 Light brown Corduroy pants Worn and casual
5 Athletic shoes Chunky white pair
6 Light blue denim Backpack Worn and distressed looking
7 Hair Wig messy, curly & strawberry blonde color
8 Walkie Talkie Old fashioned

About Dustin Henderson

Every story needs a hero that becomes one over time. A character who is initially comic relief, lovable and endearing, but is more a supporting role than a hero. Dustin Henderson, played by Gaten Matarazzo, is that character in the ‘Stranger Things’ TV series. Dustin, over the course of the series, shows incredible heart and bravery, as he transforms from the meek and mild-mannered boy, into one with immense sense of courage and one of the more beloved characters of the show.
