The Princess Merida from Brave Costume
Princess Merida’s costume is a long casual gown of emerald green which perfectly contrasts with her bright orange locks, and she loves bringing along her bow and arrow.
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Princess Merida’s costume is a long casual gown of emerald green which perfectly contrasts with her bright orange locks, and she loves bringing along her bow and arrow.
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Sandy Olsson costume a black shoulder-less top with a black leather jacket, black silky leggings with black belt, and red high heels.
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Miss Frizzle’s costume consists of a very unique blue dress covered in items you would find in space, a green lizard toy as your pet, some bright red heels, and a statement-making orange wig.
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Patti Mayonaisse wears a cute light blue sweater with pink polka dots and a blue skirt. What makes her standout is her short curly hair.
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Slash isn’t just an icon in the music industry but a fashion trendsetter as well. His trademark curly hair and top hat plus dark glasses are so well-known around the world that everybody knows ‘that’s Slash.’
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Didi Pickles wears a beautiful red long-sleeved calf-length dress, orange bracelets, red ankle-length socks, brown shoes, a yellow-orange pearl necklace, and round green eyeglasses.
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One of the most iconic scene of Joker in The Dark Knight is when he disguised as a female nurse, skipping merrily away down the street of the Gotham General Hospital, while it explodes with the bombs he'd plant.
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As the group was very popular and active during the 80s, expect lots of 80s stereotypes such as leather vests, double denim, and mullets.
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For Debbie Thornberry costume you'll need Green, long-sleeve, plaid shirt. Orange crop top, baggy blue jeans and black Oxford shoes.
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Zoe Washburne wears a plain T-shirt with a brown leather vest over and regular tan pants with black boots. Her typical choice of weapon is shot guns
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A vision in pink, Margaret Wade wears a cute, pink top, black skirt, and white knee-high socks with pink stripes
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Aveline De Grandpre outfit is very empowering as well. Instead of a dress or long skirt, she wears pants which allow her greater mobility and better fighting skills
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Dress like Dustin Henderson with trucker hat, graphic tee, windbreaker jacket, corduroy pants, athletic shoes, & optional walkie talkie.
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Dana Barrett is a sweet girl next door, a day after she is fierce and sexy.
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