Feather Duster (Plumette) Costume from Beauty and the Beast
Feather Duster’s costume is a black renaissance top, a black and white puffy skirt, a maid’s apron and headband, and white feather gloves.
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Feather Duster’s costume is a black renaissance top, a black and white puffy skirt, a maid’s apron and headband, and white feather gloves.
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Howl and Sophie’s costume is a long-sleeved special casual top, black Victorian trousers, black loafer dress shoes, and a diamond-patterned cloak for Howl; and a long-sleeved pastel green maid dress, white Victorian bloomers, gray leggings, brown ankle boots, and a hat with red trim for Sophie.
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Amelia wears a black dress, a white apron, and a black colonial-style bonnet hat.
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The Sun Maid Raisin Girl's costume features a white top, red skirt, and red hat. She carries a basket with grapes and the brand's raisins.
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Rosey costume features a head made of cardboard painted in blue. For her clothes, wear a blue button-down and skirt.
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Mrs Doubtfire wears a pink cardigan over her tartan skirt. She also wears a pair of brown brogue shoes. Get a white wig and a pair of eye glasses, too. Complete the costume by carrying a broom.
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Moira O’Hara is a ghost who looks different to men and women. To women, she seems like a fun grandmother but to men, she’s a seductress.
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Magenta cosutme is a maid’s costume and Columbia resembles a show girl. Both Magenta and Riff Raff have the gothic look going for them.
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