Bunny Lebowski’s stereotypical role is no surprise to us as an audience but she still holds a special place in any fan’s heart. Her most iconic outfit in the film is her poolside getup consisting of a teeny weeny floral green bikini, a green scrunchie, and her green-painted nails.
‘The Big’ dresses like the part he wants to portray; rich and powerful. He wears a debonair black three-piece suit, a white collared dress shirt, and a red silk ascot.
Jesus Quintana goes all out to make a custom bowling uniform, takes good care of his pink bowling ball, wears a hair net, and wears an awesome looking wrist support band.
The Dude costume is signature Peddleton zip-up sweater, a plain undershirt, and awesomely patterned pajama pants. What more in life do you need?
Walter Sobchak’s costume is a brown polo shirt, olive green cargo shorts, trendy sunglasses with yellow lenses, and a khaki fishing vest.
Maude’s Lebowski costume is the green robe she wears after her unforgettable entrance; as well as The Dude’s drug-induced dream of her wearing a Viking costume with bowling balls as a bra.