For Darwin Thornberry costume you will need Chimpanzee mask, white and blue striped tank top, blue shorts, gray spandex t-shirt and leggins.
For Debbie Thornberry costume you'll need Green, long-sleeve, plaid shirt. Orange crop top, baggy blue jeans and black Oxford shoes.
Eliza is the typical nerdy-looking girl. Braided pigtails, over-sized round glasses, braces, long blue socks and brown Oxford shoes. What really stands out from her whole apparel is the yellow, t-shirt dress with red pockets and turtleneck.
For Nigel Thornberry costume you'll need Beige safari shirt, military green shorts and a nylon webbing belt of the same color. Beige, knee-high socks and brown, lace-up, leather chukka boots.
To dress like Marianne Thorberry you'll need dyllow vest, blue jeans, olive green, lace-up boots, a red bandanna and oval reading glasses.